Today it looks and feels like spring has arrived in the Monadnock Region. Green grass is poking up from the soil and buds are starting to form on the trees. Flowers are blooming and the hours of daylight are longer.

As of this weekend, this new Magnolia tree adorns the main entrance to the Bridges Inn.

Today is also Earth Day, not just in the Monadnock Region but all around the world. According to the Earth Day Network, “Every year on April 22, more than one billion people take part in Earth Day. Across the globe, individuals, communities, organizations, and governments acknowledge the amazing planet we call home and take action to protect it.”

“The idea came to Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, after witnessing the ravages of the 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. Inspired by the student anti-war movement, he realized that if he could infuse that energy with an emerging public consciousness about air and water pollution, it would force environmental protection onto the national political agenda. (More on the history.)

Most of us cannot do much to stop global warming and climate change but everyone can do his or her part to protect the Earth’s natural resources; to conserve and preserve our environment; and to otherwise make a positive impact. We try to keep the inn as “green” as possible by recycling, composting, purchasing environmentally friendly supplies, organic coffee, and other organic / natural food products, and doing what we can to keep us environmentally responsible and conscientious.

We treasure the beauty of our surroundings. We planted a Magnolia over the weekend, with help from Maple Hill Nursery.

Digging a hole – note several rhododendrons in the foreground, which have since been planted out back where the “waterfalls” were.


Lowering the Magnolia plant


Protective cover removed – lowering the Magnolia plant
All planted, raking out the surrounding mulch


From a different vantage point, with the gazebo in the background
The forsythia are also in bloom.
We converted our “waterfalls” into a garden with rhododendrons.
And we have plenty of daffodils